Create CI/CD pipeline for AWS Lambda with CircleCI 2.0
Nowadays, CI/CD is one of the minimum requirements of any kinds of software development projects. In this article, I am going to show how to build a CI/CD pipeline for AWS Lambda functions with CircleCI 2.0. We could apply the similar approach to deploy AWS services as well.
Executors, a short-path or an evil?
When google “java thread pool”, we could find a lot of examples and resources to follow. However, most of them create thread pools by using methods from java.util.concurrent.Executors. This is an easy way to initiate a thread pool but we should avoid this approach in real projects, specially there is high concurrency load in the application.
Tig - a great partner of git
Tig is an ncurses-based text-mode interface for git. It functions mainly as a Git repository browser, but can also assist in staging changes for commit at chunk level and act as a pager for output from various Git commands.
Design Pattern - Template Method Pattern & Strategy Pattern
Today I am going to talk about template method pattern and strategy pattern. In addition, we will discuss how to leverage them with functional interface in Java 8. These two design patterns are both belong to behavioral patterns in Design Patterns written by GOF.