2024 Dec 7 Days Interview Prepare


Day 1


System Design

  • General Approach (for business problems):
    • Requirements: Functional & Non-Functional
    • Core Entities
    • API or Interface
    • High Level Design
    • Deep Dives

PS: Only do calculation when it impacts the design

  • CAP Theorem
    • Partitaion failure tolerance usually is a must have. Make trade off between consistency and availability.
    • Availability: multi replicas, CDC + Eventual Consistency
    • (Strong) Consistency: distributed transactions, single active node
    • Different consistency types: Strong, Causal, Read-after-writes, Eventual
  • Design Youtube Top K Videos
    • Core entities: Video, View, Time Window
    • Video view event stream
    • Using counter to tack <video_id, view_count> and maintian a top-K heap
    • Using checkpoint to recover host
    • Handling Time window:
    • Hour Counter, Day Counter, Minute Counter
    • Two pointer approach: 1 “rising edge” add count, 3 “failiing edges” decrement the count. Kafka offsetsForTimes)


  • Design Ticket Master
    • Core entities: Event, Venue, Performer, Ticket, User, Booking
    • Ticket Reserving: using Redis as a distributed lock, Ticket table only needs two state: available and booked
    • High-demand Event: vitual waiting queue, estibilished a websocket connection
    • Improve Search: primary database to ElasticSearch


Day 2


  • Container with most water : two pointers, left and right, move the smaller one in each step
  • 3Sum: sort array first, fix one number and use two pointers to find another two.

System Design

  • Design Uber
    • Core entities: Rider, Driver, Fare, Ride, Location
    • Frequent driver location updates & efficient searches on location data:
      • real time in-memory Geo Hash based storeage. e.g. Redis, Valkey
      • batch insert into geospatial databases, e.g. PostGIS, which is based on quad-trees
    • Avoid system overload from frequent driver location updates: adaptive location update intervals on client side
    • Consistent match: sending request to one driver each time, wait 10s for the next driver
    • Prevent multi ride requests sent to the same driver: using Redis as a distributed lock with TTL


  • Design Drop Box
    • Core entities: File, File Metadata, User
    • Upload file directly to S3: using S3 pre-signed URL, Download file from CDN
    • Upload large file (50 GB):
      • chunk files on client to 5mb chunk
      • add a chunks field in fileMetadata table. update it from S3 notification
      • identify which chunk has been uploaded: fingerprint
    • Fast uploads, downloads and syncing: compression, sending multiple chunks in parallel, adaptive chunk sizes, identify which chunks have changed
    • Security: encryption in transit (HTTPs), encryption on storage, access control (signed URL with TTL)

Drop Box

  • Dive Deep - Kafka
    • Terminolog and Architecture:
      • Broker: the server which hold queues.
      • Partition: the “queue”. immutable, ordered. A broker can hold multiple partitions
      • Topic: a logic group of partitions
      • Producer: write data to topics
      • Consumer: read data from topics.
      • Consumer Group: each event only processed by one consumer in the group.
    • Availability & Duriability: each partition has a leader replica (for both write and read) and follower replica(s).
    • Scalability: horizontal scaling with more brokers, partitioning strategy: choose a good partition key
    • Handling Retries and Errors: retry queue, DLQ
    • Why so fast: 1. sequential disk writes 2. zero-copy IO 3. parallel processing - partitioning 4. batching and comperssion 5. memory-mapped files


Day 3


  • LRU Cache: double linked list + hash map
  • Word Break: DP with two pointers:
    • dp[i] means sub string ends at index i can break.
    • dp[i] = for j in 0->i: dp[j] && wordDict.contains(s.subString(j, i).

System Design

  • Dive Deep - Dynamo DB
    • Predictable, Low Latency, At Any Scale
    • Core Concepts:
      • Partition Key: determine the physical location of the item within the database - Consistent Hashing
      • Sort Key: used to order items with the same partition key value - B-tree
      • Global Secondary Index (GSI): an index with a partition key and optional sort key that differs from the table’s partition key. (up to 20 GSIs per table)
      • Local Secondary Index (LSI): an index with the same partition key as the table’s primary key but a different sort key. (up to 5 LSIs per table)
    • Consistency Types:
      • Eventual Consistency: writes to a primary replica, replicated to seondary ones async; reads are served by any replica.
      • Strong Consistency: use Multi-Paxos for writes; reads reflect the most recent write, are routed to leader replica.
      • Conflict resolution: last writer wins
      • Transaction Support: two-phase commit protocol across muliple partitions.
    • AWS re:Invent 2024 - Dive deep into Amazon DynamoDB (DAT406)
      • Partition Metadata Lookup: Request Route (local cache) -> MemDS <- Partition Publisher –poll– Storage Node.
      • mRSC Global Tables: global read-after-write consistency.




Day 4


  • Heap: complete binary tree. PriorityQueue in Java.
    • Binary heap: tree root at index 0, for node at index i: children at 2i+1 and 2i+2, parent at floor((i-1)/2)
    • Time complexity: find-min: O(1), delete-min: O(log n), decrease-key: O(log n), insert: O(log n), build-heap: O(n)

System Design

  • General Approach (for infrastructure problems):
    • Requirements: Functional & Non-Functional
    • System Interface & Data Flow
    • High Level Design
    • Deep Dives
  • Ad Click Aggregator
    • Ad click redirect: server side redirect
    • Do not lose any click data:
      • retention period on stream
      • reconciliation: store raw data and use an offline job to recalculate metrics
    • Prevent abuse from users clicking: generate unique impressions id on server side, signed impression id with a secret key, use a distributed cache to verify whether it exists

add click

  • Facebook News Feed/Twitter
    • Core entities: User, Follow, Post
    • Handle users who following a large number of users: maintian a precomputed Feed table.
    • Handle users with a large number of followers: use an aync feed worker, ignore users with large followers, hybrid approach when read
    • Uneven reads of Posts table: redundant post cacche


Day 5


  • Binary Search: find the target value from a sorted array. O(log n)
  • Time Based Key-Value Store: HashMap + (sorted) List, using binary search to find the floor timestamp for get.
  • Min Stack: two stacks: one regular stack for tracking oder, one monotonic stack for pop function incase min value change.
  • Find median from Data Stream: two heaps: one max heap for numbers on the left side, one min heap for numbers on the right side.

System Design

  • Dive Deep - Log-Structured Merge Tree in Database
    • writes in a fast in-memory data structure (e.g. red-black tree, AVL tree)
    • flush to disk as an immutable table (SSTable)
    • periodically, small on-disk files are mreged into large sorted files
    • reads are sreved by first checking the in-memory structure, followed by searching disk-based sorted files.
    • bloom filter/sparse index are used for quickly determine if a key exists in a specific file.
    • B-Tree vs Log-Structured Merge Tree

Day 6


  • 01 Matrix: BFS, start with 0, ininiate non-0 point with -1, use result[new_i][new_j] >=0 to verify a point has been visited.
  • Merge k Sorted List: use recurision to convert the problem to MerageTwoSortedLists.
  • Diameter of Binary Tree: Post order traversal

System Design

  • [Dive Deep - AWS Lambda]

Day 7


System Design

  • Url Shorter
    • Core entiteis: Original URL, Shor URL, User
    • Ensure short urls are unique: Unique Counter with Base62 Encoding
    • Ensure redirects are fast: in-memory cache / CDN
    • Support 1B shortened urls aand 100M DAU: database replication & backup, Redis as a distributed counter

url shorter

  • Web Crawler
    • System Interface: Input: Seed URLs to satrt crawling from; Output: Text data extracted from web pages.
    • Ensure fault tolerant:
      • break Crawler into two stages: URL Fetcher, Text & URL Extractoin.
      • Handle failure of fetch a URL: SQS with exponential backoff.
    • Politeness
      • add last time we crawled each domain into meta data table
      • rate limit 1 second: sliding window algorithm, jitter: a random delay
    • Scale to 10B pages and efficiently crawl < 5 days:
    • avoid duplicate: hash and store in metadata DB w/ Index or Bloom Filter?

Web Crawler