Find the Largest K Elements


Find the largest K element in an array is a common code challenge in interviews. You may see this problem in several different formats like K Closest Points to the Origin.

Sorting the whole given array can solve this problem in time complexity of \(O(n\,log\,n)\) and space complexity of \(O(n)\). However, there is another efficient solution, which has a huge improvement of space complexity when K is small, through an import data structure - Heap.


Heap is an abstract data structure of priority queue. It is implemented by an array (index starts with 1) and visualized as a complete binary tree.

Based on the above definition, we get the following important proprieties of Heap:

  • For a give element e at index n, its children elements are at index 2n(left child) and 2n+1(right child).
  • The max height of a heap with N elements is \(log\,N\).

Heap is usually used as max heap or min heap. If all nodes are larger than its children, this heap is a max heap. It guarantees the first element(root node) is the largest one in a heap. I am going to discuss basic operations of max heap and their complexities in this post. The same applies to min heap.


This is the most basic operation of max heap. For a given heap and an index of a node in the heap, “heapify” converts the subtree of the given element(array[i]) to a max heap. An important assumption of “heapify” is that all the sub trees of node i are max heaps already.

public static <T extends Comparable> void heapify(T[] array, int i) {
  int l = i * 2;
  int r = l + 1;
  int largest = i;
  if (l <= array.length - 1 && array[l].compareTo(array[i]) > 0){
    largest = l;
  if (r <= array.length - 1 && array[r].compareTo(array[largest]) > 0){
    largest = r;
  if (largest != i) {
    T temp = array[i];
    array[i] = array[largest];
    array[largest] = temp;
    heapify(array, largest);

As we can see the time complexity of “heapify” is the height of node i in the heap. If subtree of the give node has n elements, the time complexity is \(O(log\,n)\).

Convert an unsorted array to a max heap:

By using the “heapify” method defined above, it is easy to construct a max heap from an unsorted array.

static <T extends Comparable> void buildMaxHeap(T[] array){
  int n = array.length;
  for(int i = n/2 ; i > 0 ; i --){
    heapify(array, i);

The “buildMaxHeap” method calls “heapify” method of the nodes from the second lowest level up to the root node in a heap. It is very obviously that the time complexity of the above method is \(O(n\,log\,n)\). However, after the following detailed analysis, we can get the time actual complexity is \(O(n)\).

For a node at height l, the time complexity of “heapify” is \(O(l)\) and max number of nodes at height l is \(\lceil {n \over {2^{l+1}}} \rceil\). So the total time complexity of “buildMaxHeap” is:

\[\sum_{i=1}^{\lceil log\,n \rceil} {i*n \over {2^{i+1}}}\]

Let’s analyze whether we can converge \(\sum_{i=1}^{\lceil log\,n \rceil} {i \over {2^{i+1}}}\) to a constant value. This expression can be written as \(S_i = 1/2^2 + 2/2^3 + ... + i/2^{i+1}\). And, \(S_i/2 = 1/2^3 + 2/2^4 + ... + (i-1)/{2^{i+1}} + i/2^{i+2}\).

Then by using \(S_i - S_i/2\), we can get:

\[S_i = 2*(S_i - S_i/2) = 1/2 + 1/2^2 + ... + 1/2^i - i/2^{i+1} = 1 - (1/2)^i - i/2^{i+1} \lt 1\]

So, the time complexity of “buildMaxHeap” is \(O(n)\) as \(\sum_{i=1}^{\lceil log\,n \rceil} {i \over {2^{i+1}}}\) in (1) is always smaller to 1.

Heap sort:

Based on the above operations, we could sort an unsorted array with the following algorithm:

  1. Using “buildMaxHeap” to convert an unsorted array to a max heap - \(O(n)\)
  2. Find the largest element a[1] - \(O(1)\)
  3. Swap element a[n] with a[1] - \(O(1)\)
  4. Discard the element a[n] from the heap - \(O(1)\)
  5. Call “heapify(array, 1)” to rebuild the max heap and go to step 2 until there is only 1 element in the heap. - \(O(log\,n)\)

So, as we can see the time complexity of heap sort is \(O(n\,log\,n)\).

Find the K largest elements

Min heap can be used to find the largest K elements in an unsorted array of size n.

  1. Create a min heap of K elements from array[1] to array[k] - \(O(K)\)
  2. Loop through the rest elements from array[k+1] to array[n]
  3. For each element, if it is larger than the root of min heap, replace the root element with it. And “heapify” the new root - \(O((n - K) * log\,K)\).

The time complexity of this algorithm is \(O(n\,log\,K)\) and the space complexity is \(O(K)\). Using max heap only needs to go through the given array once. It is an effective algorithm when n is very big value. However, we can get better time complexity to solve this problem by using partion sort, whose time complexity is \(O(n)\).

*What if even K is too big to keep a size-K heap in memory?

We can get the K’ largest elements(K is the maximum size of a heap can be kept in memory). Discard the selected K’ elements in the array and then get the next K’ largest elements until we have all the K element we needed. By doing this, we could keep the space complexity to \(O(K')\) and the time complexity comes to \(\lceil {K \over K'} \rceil O(n\,log\,K)\).


  1. MIT 6.006 Introduction to Algorithms - Heaps and Heap Sort